Money is tight for many of us right now, but we can expand our income sources beyond the one job that we already have. While that may sound like it would add more stress and make your days too hectic, there are many simple ways to make a little extra cash in the year 2023. Technology and a focus on supporting local have brought previously obscure revenue streams to light - and About Town is here to make sure Birminghamians get in on the action. Here are a few simple ways to add a little more money to your pocketbook.

Test Out Products

Did you know that you can make money by experiencing new products? That sounds like a win-win! Many companies are looking for people to try out their products, website, or app and provide feedback to allow them to better themselves. Some companies are trying to get more reviews on their products, and pay for that as well. 

Use Your Social Media Savvy 

We are neck deep in the age of social media. While it can sometimes feel overwhelming, this era also provides a new way for people to make a little extra money. Instagram and Facebook have started a new campaign to pay more influencers. Youtube and blogs are two other great sources to earn a little extra income.

Freelance/Side Hustle

You’ve got your 9-5 (or whatever the hours may look like) and you certainly need your rest in between. But are there any jobs that can boost your income while not adding to your stress? If you enjoy writing, graphic design, or social media you can put out ads and apply for jobs that relate to copywriting, making graphics, and managing social media accounts for example. Other great side jobs include pet walking, tutoring, babysitting, and photography. Uber, Airbnb, Veryable and DoorDash are all apps that can be used to make you more money as well.

Sell Your Old Things

As the old saying goes, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Your old clothing, video games, movies, comic books, and more are all valuable items that can bring some pretty stress-free income your way (and help declutter your home)! Apps like Depop make it an easier experience - just don’t get caught up in buying more than you sell.

There are plenty of ways to make a little extra money - finding what makes the most sense with your time, interests, and capabilities is a great place to start. 

Cover image by Gerd Altmann