There are many things to live about living in Alabama - the food, the Southern manners, the natural beauty, and of course our dear city Birmingham. With all of the positive that comes by living here, it can be easy to forget one of the biggest negative about living in our state - the heat - until it’s too late. Our pleasant days and nights suddenly become humid nightmares that seem impossible to escape. Sleeping is one of the times that the heat and humidity can impact our physical comfortability and mental well-being the most. We need our rest to function every day, so it’s important for Alabamians to stay cool while sleeping so we can enjoy all the things that we do love about our state! While that may seem like a difficult task on the hottest of nights, the good people at Mattress Online are here with the tips to help. Who better to listen to than certified sleeping experts? Here are a few of the best ways to stay cool doing your slumber this summer.

Keep Water By Your Feet

We know it seems crazy - water is for drinking, cooking, and bathing after all! Putting our feet in a bowl of lukewarm water or putting a hot water bottle next to our feet 30 minutes before we go to sleep raises our core temperature so that we are able to cool down as we get into bed. This life hack is a nifty and convenient way to find some free personal coolant. 

Avoid Naps During The Day

I know, I know - summer is the best season for a relaxing daytime nap. The weather is hot outside, but inside we have air conditioning and all of life’s modern wonders to keep us cool and sleepy. It’s even more tempting when you come inside after being outdoors working on the lawn or some other sweaty task. However, it’s better for our nighttime sleep if we stay awake during the daylight hours and get a more fulfilling rest once we’re ready to call it a day and go to bed. 

Open Loft Hatch

It’s a well-known fact that heat rises. If we apply this logic to staying cool in our homes it would make sense for us to not want to be at the highest-most floor in the building. Loft hatches are a great way to send that hot air upstairs and create a little coolness in your bedroom. 

Aloe Vera

For all the technology and inventions around us, nature is often the best answer when it comes to life’s struggles. It has been figuring them out since the beginning of time after all! Aloe Vera is one of these miracle plants - used for healing burns, can help with digestion, and help keep us cool. Apply some aloe to your skin before bed for a more comfortable night’s sleep. 

Minimize Sunlight

We’ve all witnessed the heating power of the sun. Whether we got sunburned, have tried to walk on sun-soaked asphalt while barefoot, or some other outdoor adventure - you know that it can quickly turn up temperature. This can occur in our home when we leave our blinds open all day. The natural light is beautiful, but it can raise the temperature in our homes by a significant amount throughout the day. For a cooler setting, keep your blinds closed and get some blackout curtains for even less sunlight.

Choose Your Sheets Wisely 

You may have been a casual sheet and pillowcase buyer in the past, but those days need to be left behind if you want the best and coolest sleep experience. Natural materials like cotton, bamboo, and linen are the best choices for a top-quality slumber during the hot and humid summer months. 

Cover image by Andrea Piacquadio