Hasn’t your head turned when you see someone with really beautiful skin? They don’t just stand-out, they radiate. But even the most beautiful skin requires upkeep to retain its flattering structure. It’s all about two things: a customized plan for your unique complexion, and the most innovative treatments administered by the right expert. Gunn Dermatology has put together a deeply discounted plan that will radiate your best you. The most common of those treatments include Vivace’s, Hydrafacials, Neuromodulators as well as over 8 different laser treatments and 4 different non laser treatments to make the skin tighter, smoother in tone and texture, as well as healthier, leading to a more youthful glow. So by the end of the year you’ll be turning heads. The Fireworks membership includes:

a) Full Face Resurfacing

Resurfacing is used to address blemishes that occur in our face over time. There are different procedures based on what is desired by the patient, but resurfacing can address everything from wrinkles and acne scars to hyperpigmentation and sun damage. Nonablative resurfacing requires less downtime than ablative, which has a reverse-aging effect on the skin. A full face resurfacing is already worth the price of the monthly membership alone, but there are plenty more treatment options that come with the Fireworks deal.

b) 3 Vivace or Ultherapy Treatments

Vivace and ultherapy are two different methods of treating skin imperfections such as scars, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and sun damage. Both options have minimal discomfort and downtime associated with them. Vivace treatments use radiofrequency technology and precision microneedling while ultherapy uses ultrasound technology to provide a “non-surgical facelift” as it is commonly called.

c) Hydrafacial or Diamond Glow (monthly)

Do you want your skin to look and feel refreshed? Of course you do! HyrdaFacials provide the perfect method to deep-clean and exfoliate while providing the hydration our body so craves. This treatment is great to combat acne, skin conditions, and assist in anti-aging effects on the body. We recommend this on a monthly basis.

d) 4 Botox Treatments Including Forehead, Elevens, and Brow Lift

Botox allows medical professionals to treat bothersome muscles by blocking the nerve impulses that reach out to them. This helps to remove wrinkles, lines, and other blemishes as the muscles begin to relax. The Fireworks Membership includes Botox treatment in notorious wrinkle areas such as the forehead, elevens (frown lines), and eyebrows.

e) 5 IPL, Skin Pen or Non-Ablative Resurfacing, or Aqua Gold

While it may seem like you are already receiving more than enough bang for your buck with the Fireworks Membership, it’s important to include the IPL, Skin Pen, or Aqua Gold options when listing the benefits. These options use different techniques (intense pulsed light, microneedling, etc.) to address irregularities such as scars, darker patches of skin, and spider veins.

Taking care of our bodies can feel like one endless to-do list, but leaning into the skincare experts we have around us can take away a lot of the stress (which is also good for our skin)!  It’s easy to see why the Fireworks Membership is a must. If you have any questions visit Dr. Gunn in Crestline or her newest location in Lane Parke. You can also reach her at

gunndermatology.com or (205) 415-7536.