Few parts of our body are as customizable as hair. We can style and color our luscious locks to show the world more of who we are at first glance. Hairstyles can be used alongside clothes to define generations - that’s how distinguishable each look can be! The beauty of hair is recognized by many, which also brings the recognition that we must treat the top of our heads with full respect. But what are the best ways to nourish and strengthen our hair? We share a few of the most important things to keep in mind here.

Watch What You Eat

While keeping our hair healthy can feel like a big old mystery, there are some hints right before our eyes. Our body isn’t shy about sharing what it needs to live a healthier life, and health experts have put all the clues together for us. Our hair is mostly made of protein which can be plentifully found in lean meats, eggs, fish, and beans. Zinc, which helps reduce the risk of shedding, can be found in fruits and vegetables along with drinking enough clean water. Omega-3 fatty acids also improve scalp health. These can be found in salads, flax seeds, yogurt, and cereal. 

Keeping It (Safely) Clean

We all know that showering with shampoo and conditioner is an important part of keeping healthy hair - but many of our paths to personal hair success look different. More oily hairs will need to shampoo and condition more often than dryer hairs. Nobody needs to wash their hair more than once a day, and be sure to use the proper amount of shampoo - just enough to cover your hair. Drying and combing hair is another area where the how matters almost as much as the act. Air drying is best, but not always realistic with some schedules. If you are air drying start on a low setting and if you are towel drying make sure to not excessively rub your head. Hair is also more sensitive while wet, so use a wide-toothed comb if you can’t wait until it has dried some.

Healthy Habits = Healthy Hair

Our body is more likely to treat us right when we treat it right. We’ve seen hints of this already with our diet and cleaning habits - but it goes even broader than that. Overstressing for example can lead to hair loss, as can an overdependence on alcohol. Some habits - like routine haircuts to address split ends, scalp massages to increase blood flow, and safe hair dying practices - are a little more hair related than others. Ask yourself “Am I treating my body right?” before an action in question and you will usually find the answer shortly after.

We aren’t in control of every aspect of our hair’s health, but there are actions we can take to improve the overall quality of these beloved follicles. 

Cover image from Element5 Digital