Your interior design style reflects your unique tastes, preferences, and lifestyle. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you identify your interior design style, ensuring your home is a true extension of your personality.

1. Reflect on Your Preferences

Start by examining your daily life and the environments you feel most comfortable in. Consider the colors, textures, and materials that you are naturally drawn to. Do you prefer clean lines and modern design, traditional decor, or an eclectic mix? Your preferences in clothing, art, and even travel can provide clues to your interior design style.

2. Gather Inspiration

Create a mood board or a Pinterest board where you collect images of interiors that appeal to you. As you gather pictures, patterns will emerge. Look for common themes in color schemes, furniture styles, and decorative elements.

3. Assess Your Space

Consider the architecture and existing features of your home. Some styles work better with certain types of buildings. For instance, a Victorian house may be suited to traditional or eclectic styles, while a loft apartment might be suited to industrial or modern design. Embracing the architectural elements of your space can guide your style choices.

4. Identify Your Lifestyle Needs

Your interior design style should cater to your lifestyle. If you have a busy household with kids and pets, you might lean towards a more functional and durable style like Scandinavian or contemporary, which often features easy-to-clean materials and practical furnishings. If you enjoy entertaining, a more glamorous style with ample seating and statement pieces might be more appropriate.

5. Mix and Match

Don’t be afraid to blend styles. Many people find that they are drawn to elements of multiple design styles. The key is to find a balance that works for you. For example, you might combine the clean lines of modern design with the cozy elements of farmhouse style to create a warm yet contemporary space.

6. Trust Your Instincts

Finally, trust your instincts. Your home should reflect your personality and make you feel comfortable. If something feels right to you, it probably is. Interior design is an art, not a science, and there are no hard and fast rules.

Cover Photo by Clay Banks