Looking for the perfect event to kick off the 2020 holiday season? Gallery Services, a wonderful Birmingham staple that calls the Pepper Place district home, has the perfect answer! The company is usually known for providing large-scale art services and installations to big businesses like furniture dealers and architectural firms, but is taking time this holiday season to spotlight some seriously talented local artists and musicians.

The gallery will hold its “Mingle & Jingle” Christmas party and holiday open house on Thursday, November 12, featuring some of our favorite local creatives. The stellar lineup features artists like Sarah Mason, Shirley Lewis, and Emmy Grier - alongside custom mirrors made by Tim Bayles of Mirror-tique. Glass art by Amy Soverow and Orbix Hot Glass are also sure to please the eye and tempt the wallet. This experience will all be soundtracked by the soothing sounds of Resort Realism - a low-fi downtempo group that calls the Magic City home.

The event takes place from 4-6 p.m., and is the perfect opportunity to socialize in a spacious setting and begin the holiday shopping season that is quickly sneaking up on us! The gallery is located at 2901 3rd Avenue South, and the district has plenty of entertainment to keep the fun going after the gallery event as well.