What are your goals and desires for your time on this planet? Many of us have big visions for the future, as we should! This can look like anything from a quest to find the ultimate dream job, settling down with a family, or living to be your most authentic self each day. Whatever it is that we want to do, it helps us to feel refreshed. It can be easy to feel tired on a daily basis. Lack of sleep, increased stress levels, and thousands of other factors can decrease our energy despite how determined we may be to become our best selves. Here are a few changes we can make to combat those obstacles and feel more refreshed. 

Focus On Nutrition 

It’s one of the oldest sayings in the book: “You are what you eat.” It’s easy to consume highly processed foods throughout the day - they are often the most convenient and fastest answer after all. But fruits, veggies, and grilled meats can go a long way in making us feel more energized on a daily basis. Multivitamins and supplements are helpful allies in the journey for a more refreshed feeling. Even when we are eating healthy, it can be easy to still be lacking in our daily nutritional needs so it’s important to use every tool in our arsenal of health. 


Do you feel that you’re getting enough sleep each night? The recommended amount is at least 7 hours each evening. Our phones are great at setting sleep reminders to ensure that we know the proper time to get to bed each night to get our hours in - all we have to do is make an effort! Quality sleep is important too, which means you should try to avoid electronic screens an hour before bed in addition to not eating anything acidic leading up to bedtime. 

Get Outdoors

Solar energy isn’t just for our appliances and homes - it’s also for our bodies! The sun is a giver of life and taking the time to step outdoors helps us soak up more of this energy. It can be a walk, laying down in the grass, gardening, playing a sport, or literally anything outside. The spring weather and longer days make this easier than ever - so get out and have fun.

Baby Steps

A big part of feeling stagnant and tired can be feeling overwhelmed. There are many ways we can help ourselves get over this hurdle. While some of our goals may seem very large and far away, there are little steps that we can take each day that make the ideal outcome seem closer and easier to obtain. Every day doesn’t have to be a monumental achievement - just know that you are moving in the right direction and take solace in this fact. 

Energy can feel like a fleeting object always one day away but never quite here. Taking the time to focus on refreshing our mind and body helps us become a better version of ourselves and recapture that energy that we so desire. 

Cover image from Tirachard Kumtanom